Insights from Recruiters Websites
5 Recruiting Blogs You Should Be Reading Now

Recruiting is an industry that is always evolving and facing new challenges. Regardless of the industry for which you recruit, technology, market trends and hiring criteria are constantly developing. When you’re in need of new tips, there are some great recruiting blogs you can use as a reference. Here are some of our favorites:
The Savage Truth
This blog is written by Greg Savage, a star recruiter with 40 years in the business and four successful recruiting businesses. Savage shares his tips and tricks with recruiters around the world and has collected his best advice for his blog, The Savage Truth. With written and video blogs, Savage covers a variety of topics including recruiting technology, ethics, KPIs, employee engagement and social media.
Recruiting Blogs
This blog is operated by Recruiting Daily, the hub for information related to the recruiting industry. They’ve created a conglomerate of different recruiting blogs with a plethora of authors and topics to explore. With monthly podcasts, daily posts and 1,100 pages of information, you are bound to find something that works for you. Recruiting Blogs is a one-stop-shop for those recruiting in multiple industries or those who simply want to learn new techniques from their peers.
Undercover Recruiter
We must confess, this is one of our favorite great recruiting blogs! This site for HR professionals, candidates and full-time recruiters alike is the place for all things job market. This blog features guest authors who cover everything from recruiting a dream team to tips for making your website better.
LinkedIn Talent Blog
Another favorite of ours, the LinkedIn Talent Blog is a must-read if you want to stay informed of different workplace trends or just want to learn some new skills. The blog posts articles daily from a variety of authors so there is always something new to learn.
This weekly blog is managed by one of the best sources for online video training in the recruiting industry. Juice is “the recruitment blog for recruiters” and provides recruiting, staffing and sourcing tips for recruiters in all industries. With articles covering diversity recruiting, workplace challenges, and how to attract better talent, you will find everything you need to know at Juice.
Bonus Blog: Recruiters Websites
Marketing your business is crucial for its success. Recruiters Websites specializes in marketing recruiting and staffing firms. As former recruiters with a team of marketers and website development experts, we have the team to make sure your business’ digital footprint leads clients to your doorstep. Our blog features ways to make you stand out from other recruiters online with digital marketing and website development. Subscribe to our blog today to learn everything you need to know about marketing in the digital world.
There are a lot of great recruiting blogs out there that cover an endless amount of topics and offer more advice than you ever thought you’d need. These blogs are written by peers who understand your business and your struggles. Take the time to learn a thing or two from other experts and you’d amazed how fast your business can grow.
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